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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Alchem Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:24 pm

Seeing as were soon entering Toct 10man Heroic for the first time, and we only have 50 wipes a week I would like to have a idea of what were heading into. I will post any strat I get out of the internet and from bashing eriks face with shrimps. (I just chose shrimsp on a random whim, don't ask why)

So feel free to post any info you can find.

Alchem the furry bear not currently wondering where the closest toilet is.
ps rain sucks
Wet bear smells like shit


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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Pile Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:38 pm

Not much taccs yet, but guess it's still early. However, I managed to find a list of things that are buffed/changed in heroic mode:

Gormok the Impaler

* Impale does 150% weapon damage instead of 100%.
* DoT ticks for 80% more damage and lasts 5 seconds longer. Tanks must switch at 2 stacks.
* Yes, you will need 3 tanks to handle the DoT rotation. All 3 will need heals.
* Each Snobold that is out there increases his damage by 15%.
* The direct damage from Impale will hit for ~35000.
* Stomp on melee from 9k to 12k

Acidmaw and Dreadscale

* Imperative for players to spread out.
* Acid hits for 5000 every 2 seconds.
* Burning bile is 9000 damage every 2 seconds to players within 10 yards.
* It is expected that if one enrages, it will be a wipe. Therefore, both snakes may have to be taken down together. Not sure of this, but keep it in mind.
* Whatever happened to that third snake?


* Arctic breath does 30000 damage over 5 seconds. I suggest assigning healers to the left or right of Icehowl to help reduce increase survivability.
* Random whirlwind on melee from 10k to 14k

Lord Jaraxxus

* Touch of Jaraxxus inflicts ~4000 damage over 12 seconds which causes players to be affected by Curse of the Nether (AoE dot). Possible decurse?
* Mistress’ Kiss: Next spell with a cast time gets that school interrupted for 8 seconds and causes 8000+ damage.
* Incinerate Flesh needs 85000 healing instead of 60000 to remove it.
* Burning Inferno (Incinerate Flesh after it’s not removed) ticks for 8000 damage a second for 5 seconds (Yeah, that’s a wipe)
* Pain Spike from the Mistress does 100% of a target’s health over time
* Legion Flame now ticks for 12000
* Fel Lightning from 10k to 12k

Faction Champions

* Spells and abilities are more potent.
* Shaman LHW from 20k to 60k
* Paladin Holy Light from 50k to 80k
* Warlock Corruptionf rom 18k to 24k
* Expect the trend to continue with the other class abilities.

Val’kyr Twins

* Touch of Light (or Dark): Inflicts 4000 damage to players of the opposite essence every second. For example, Touch of Light will do ~4000+ damage to players under the effect of dark Essence every second. Light touched players will not take any damage.
* Surge of Light (or Dark): Inflicts 1500 damage every 2 seconds to enemies of the opposite essence. For example, Surge of Light deals 1500 damage every 2 seconds to Dark essence
* Shield health increased from 700k to 1.2 million (Ouch)
* Power of the Twins: +20% damage and hit, 10% attack speed if Twins are too close.
* Unleashed Light/Dark orb hits increased from 9000 to 15000.


* Leeching swarm ticks for 20% health instead of 10%
* Extra add: Nerubian Ice Darter (No other details)

This list is taken from worldofmatticus (, so should be worth keeping an eye on that page for more updates Smile

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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Alchem Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:34 pm

Looks like we need more dps and more healing then oO


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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Pile Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:01 pm

Think, like most of the hard mods anyway, this will be actually harder in 10 than in 25 men. Basically, you need 10 men with perfect execution, and, according to these numbers, think it will be a gear check, too. However, I think we should try it, but people have to bear in mind that these encounters will require full consumables, full enchants/gems on gear, and willingness to wipe a bit Smile

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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Camarilla Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:11 pm

Pile wrote: However, I think we should try it, but people have to bear in mind that these encounters will require full consumables, full enchants/gems on gear, and willingness to wipe a bit Smile

I dont mind that at all. So much nicer feeling when it succeeds then.


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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Pile Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:13 pm

Here are some more details (stolen from forums):

Would like to add an additional information for the Lord Jaraxxus fight. On hard mode the portals and volcanos that spawn adds will have health bars. If not killed adds will continously spawn. For this reason all dps must switch to the portal or volcano and kill it as fast as possible.

update on beasts. yes you want three tanks, not so much for the debuff which sucks, we had three swapping at two stacks, (once on a goofed taunt we had one up to 5 stacks and healed him np) the key to the number of tanks is rotating the cooldowns. we had one get gibbed for 50k because shield wall dropped for a split second.

- Beasts / Jar: lean towards 3 heals at this point because of the interrupts and distribution of damage. Icehowl is a joke so long as your raid is spread out 360 degrees around him (limiting breath damage to 2-3 ppl each time.) It did seem that you could outrange the breath if you were max distance away from him, but other circumstances might have contributed to that happening. It’s imperative that snobolds and portals/volcanoes are killed immediately upon spawn.
- Faction champs: with good cc, 2 heals should be plenty as damage becomes very limited. A dk can chain taunt /chains kite any of the melee dps with a good amount of success, thus isolating those pesky killers like divine storm, FoK, and WW. (All of the champs are tauntable, they just won’t stick on you for very long.) Interrupts + cc = win, on this one.
- Twins: if players manage to avoid the opposite color orbs, this is almost solo-healable. Tanking them closer together (abt 15 yards or so) means that more players can benefit from the power-up buffs and can quickly switch between light/dark as needed.
- Anub: you will probably want to go with 2heals as the extra damage to burst him down in phase 3 and limit his and the adds’ submerges is incredibly valuable. You only get 6 frost orbs for the duration of the fight, so keeping him to one spike phase is important. Limit your healing in phase 3 to the tanks and to the “Penetrating Cold” targets–the more health your raid has the more he’s healing for. ~20% seemed to be the sweet spot for raid members not tanking or debuffed.

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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Pile Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:56 pm

Since it seems hc Jaraxxus is not hard, and champions just have increased damage and hp, here are some taccs for hc Twins (stolen from MMO forums). It's basically similar to last 25 m kill we had, but here are more details.

-stack your dps evenly on each mob (10 man obviously not many dps)
-don't change affinity for shield, just switch as fast as possible (save CD's and lust for these.)
-use raid healers to soak opposite color orbs around each group to stop massive raid damage (thats why a lot of people 3 heal this on 10 man)

-Make sure DPS and Tank is the opposite color of the girl they are targeting
-Don't run for orbs its a waste
-Don't save a personal CD for the 100 orbs buff unless your running for orbs and you shouldn't be
-Have healers pick up orbs that are opposite of their tanks color.(i.e. if their tank is white his/her healer should be black)
-During Twins Pact have the tank whose target isn't casting pop a CD
-Unless your really unlucky and get Twin Pact spammed your DPS shouldn't need to switch targets when one begins to cast (In 25m Your DPS should be split already so regardless you be able to interrupt either one but if having trouble bursting bubbles in 25m have the ranged from one boss help the other)

-Zerging 1 boss wont work in 25m as there are WAY more orbs. DPS needs to be split for that to soak up a larger majority. Everything else works in 25m as well though.
-Melee shines in this fight as they all stay stacked and all get an orb if one hits them while stacked.
-Instant cast healers help tons here as they can collect orbs while healing easier.

A few tips:
1. pop bloodlust at the start this is the only time you have a full 40sec of pure dps were everybody got trinkets+cd ready. Its true that nobody got 100 stacks yet but its too random and it better to pop it right away.
2. If you healers run oom, you have dps die to orbs or stuff like that replace them, 80% of the raid damage can be avoided and unless you get the dot+2 unlucky orbs from diffrent direction then there is noway you should ever be close to dieing in 10man hc.
3. All damage is shadow and FIRE not HOLY so keeping up fire and shadow aura can help abit, and mages can keep of fire ward.

We just had ranged pick up their good balls when they spawned in spurts and never go out of their way more than 5-10 yds for a good ball unless a bunch spawns which they do several times throughout the fight. Obviously everyone did their best to dodge bad balls.

Tanked the Twins closer towards each other by about 5 yds each side making them roughly 15 yds apart. Localizing the healers towards the center and making it so you could range dps either one from both sides. So a ranged dps from our opposite side came to our side while ranging his boss and collecting our bad balls (his good balls) for us within reason.

Another good tip.. I always tried to stack above 90 ready for one of them to shield and just got empowered when they shielded and burned through it. Makes the shield drop so quick. I would have 1-2 ranged on that.. most likely the ranged in charge of collecting balls when they spawn in spurts.

Ranged be prepared for the big spawns at 30% or below and get empowered. With very few balls floating, go all out. Be sure to make time between collecting to set yourself up for a good 15 seconds dps time especially if you have empowered, take advantage. Cast, move, cast, move is not what you want to do. Take 5-8 seconds runnning around collecting within range when they spawn big spurts, stop in your tracks for empowered and dps (dodging bad balls of course).

Although staying alive is top priority, be smart with your movements because 3k dps won't cut it.

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Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =? Empty Re: Toct heroic mode 10man strategies =?

Post  Kr Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:45 am

Just to point out one notable thing for Faction Champions.

I am aware that in the normal version while taunt will force the mob to attack you for 6 seconds, the lack of any threat will cause it to wander off and stick to its own agenda afterwards.

In the heroic version, there is no taunting at all. The mob will ignore taunts just as it does threat. This, combined with greater individual damage can result in people being killed very quickly early on unless crowd control is executed properly.

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